……a short poem
28th Feb 2024. 1 min read
Today I wander
Tomorrow I wonder
Keep the brain cells active
Less they become defective
Much to do
Much to undo
Live and let live
Live and forgive
(First posted in my FB 11 years ago)
My Blog
……a short poem
28th Feb 2024. 1 min read
Today I wander
Tomorrow I wonder
Keep the brain cells active
Less they become defective
Much to do
Much to undo
Live and let live
Live and forgive
(First posted in my FB 11 years ago)
….. who acts as my mirror
9th Feb 2024. 1 min read
Dear mirror of mine
I see in myself a person of enormous potential
I see in myself the ability to achieve my goals
I see in myself the need to view things positively
I see in myself a driving force that can inspire others
Most important I see in myself the natural tendency to smile through all odds
That is because my mirror has these qualities
…about life
1 min read 7th Feb 2024
When you feel upset
And nobody can help you
Just smile anyway
Features of a Haiku poem;
1 There are no more than 17 syllables.
2 Haiku is composed of only 3 lines.
3 Typically, first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third has 5 syllables.
4 It is a short, unrhymed poem
5 A Moment in time, an enlightenment
1st Feb 2024. 2 min read
Life is complex even if you want it to be simple
Sometimes you become perplexed even if you like to remain cool
One wants to be simple but life won’t let you
The society changes so does the culture and the environment
With change comes progress, convenience and opportunity
Simplicity may be the ultimate sophistication, they say
But Stay simple and you become unsophisticated
As you fall by the wayside and wonder why
The world passes you by and seems arrogant
Because people are struggling with change themselves
And have no time to stop by to coach you
Change is like a constant stream
These days, it’s more like a torrent of water
But it’s always for the better
Only if people appreciate, understand and accept its challenges
Do not complain why things are getting confusing and complicated
If you would only jump into this river of change
Enjoy the wild ride
Tamper it occasionally by walking onto quiet trails and retreating into yourself
Sniff the flowers and breathe in the crisp, cool and clean air
Look on the bright side and Pray often
Maintain that delicate balance of action and inaction
The world has so much more to offer even as evil happens elsewhere
You are running solo
Experience the path of uncertainties, learn on the go and help others along with you
That’s the fulfilling mission one can have while you walk this earth
In your predestined period of time