you can become the successful speaker you wish to be
Understand human nature – We are naturally resistant to change. Change brings inconvenience, discomfort and uncertainty into one’s. life but from time immemorial. Change is always existing and evolving and its pace is not expected to slow down.
This is because human beings are intelligent creatures. We crave for the good life and so will always be innovative . Some push through barriers and obstacles, believing they can change the world , others are just swept along with it and have to learn to adapt to new ways.
As recorded in Marcus Aurelius’ meditations, he believed in the principle that ‘ The impediment is the way.’ You get what you want if you can overcome your obstacles- emotional state such as fear and physical barrier, intellectual barrier, etc
That first step- takes courage, a positive mindset and determination. Take the case of public speaking said to be number one fear of most people.
In my Toastmasters club, many of us avoid raising our hands to speak off the cuff during impromptu table topic session. I feared not having anything meaningful to say or embarrassing myself for a long time.
It took many years to volunteer on my own. Most meetings, I was not participative or was volunteered by another member.
Then one day, I decided that I am resourceful enough to share something even if may not be a great message. I would have dealt fear one more death blow to the fear of public speaking anyway.
This went on for many more times and it just became easier to raise my hand. Nowadays, even when the topic is clearly not in my authority or experience to talk about, I manage. As my control of my own emotions improve, my speech articulation and delivery also progress. Thoughts and ideas flow. The best thing was the sense of having tried and becoming more proficient with each session.
This goes the same for prepared speech session. For years, I could not let go of my script. It was my crutch and I always fear the awkward silence should I forget my train of thought.
One meeting, I put away the script and reassured myself that I have practiced enough to be confident. I also visualized myself receiving applause for my speech. Far fetched as it may sound, it did boost my confidence.
There was one time I faltered. I composed myself and ad libbed. It worked and I was soon back on track. The key is to keep composed when such things happen. If you realize that most of the time, the audience wants the speaker to perform well, it is easier.
Finally, after more than 25 years with Toastmasters Club, I can do my speaking project without notes👻!
Taking that first step has dramatically improve my life building self confidence and personal happiness. It also opened lots of opportunities for me as people like confident people.
These days, when I am interested to challenge myself to a task, I would always prepare myself for the first step- First, find out more about the task by researching it, consult experienced members, practise and surround myself with positive people. The first step towards a better and more meaningful life is within one’s reach!
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