Published in the sweet life on medium
I approached a young person for directions in a mall
A nice young man who seemed to be bored
I wanted to tell him the world out there is for him to explore
I would love to cajole him, to motivate and to implore
Waste no time, young man
Live as best as you can
But I dared not intrude
As it may be construed as rude
He has to make his own decision
To wake up from his delusion
To step out of his comfort zone
Out there one will feel alone
But hey there, YOLO
Get out there, life’s meant to be lived even if solo
Wah geok soo says
Yes, life is meant to be lived solo, to be alone, to reflect and meditate and face the reality of life. There are merits being solo, it is different from loneliness which is devoid of relationship and is the biggest driver of unhappiness for humans are meant to be gregarious,, to share and fellowship, to learn and grow in the process for the more we are connected to each other, the happier we are .
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