21st Oct 2023. 1 min read
What is good for you
Is not what you like to do
Do it anyway
- A Senryu poem is a three-line unrhymed Japanese poetic form similar to haiku usually in a satiric or ironic vein. Senryu is concerned with human nature and its foibles
- Like Haiku, it consists of 17 syllables, divided over three lines in a 5 – 7 – 5 pattern.
- But Haiku evokes images in the natural world, a moment in time, an enlightenment
Wah gsoo says
Conversely, what is no good for you, is something which you could do with ease and with no resistance at all, as in smoking , gambling, liquor drinking, drugs addiction to gain psychedelic high sensation, etc. Need to avoid them with self discipline, composure and a sound mind.