30 th June 2024 1 min read
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash
A sleepless night
A troubled one
A fitful time
So anxious, Soul anxious
Quiet down body, calm down mind
You are ruled by a wild imagination
Get up, write something
Your heart needs to still
Even as your mind wanders
Words can be cathartic
They roam the page instinctively
Finally they become weary
The mind calms down and the body relaxes
And sleep came
Yes, do something if you are unable to doze off, the consequences of an overactive mind with boundless energy. So get up and put that energy to good use by doing something, then you will roll up and fall 😴 in no time. This is called taming your mind by expending its restless energy and put it to good use, YOU HAVE FOUND IT.